Father Brown 1x10
LINK ===> https://urllio.com/2tExb6
Sporting distinctive EVH style, the 5150 Iconic Series 15W 1x10 combo is wrapped in either Black or Ivory textured vinyl with a black cloth front grille and features silver and black5150 and EVH logo badges in the upper left and lower right corners. This all-tube combois finished off with a brushed aluminum top panel, vintage-style chicken-head knobs and molded black plastic top handle. A high-quality fitted cover is available as an EVH Accessory.
Valentina is worried that Remi might be mad at her as she, Zoila and Genevieve prepare to welcome him home from rehab. Zoila tells her daughter that if he's mad at her for doing the right thing then he's too stupid to love; luckily, when Remi returns along with his father Philippe, he approaches Valentina and he thanks her for saving his life, then kissing her. Later, he approaches Zoila and asks for her permission to date her daughter, but Zoila says that the real person whose permission he needs is Valentina's father, Pablo. Remi proceeds to attend a dinner at his new girlfriend's house, though she is thrown off when it becomes apparent that he didn't know her surname was Diaz. This leads to her yelling at him during the meal, pointing out that she knows every little thing about him while he knows so little about her; she storms off to her bedroom and, after Remi leaves, Zoila approaches her. Valentina reveals her fear that Remi just sees her as the help because he only ever sees her when she's acting as a maid. Zoila proposes an obvious solution to this problem: that Valentina simply quit. Valentina decides that this would be best for her budding relationship. Meanwhile, Philippe approaches his ex-wife and invites her out to dinner with him. Genevieve is suspicious of his intentions but ultimately agrees, though she does promise to stab him in the neck with her fork should he spend his time staring at a pretty waitress.
Marisol and Ida meet with Eddie to ask him which of his friends may have gotten Flora pregnant, but he reveals that Flora never met any of his friends. However, he does remember a significant party, but he refuses to discuss the details in front of his mother. She is forced to leave while he confesses to Ida, and Marisol returns to the Stappords' where Taylor comes home and announces to her husband that she's pregnant. He is overjoyed, though he becomes nervous when he hears she's going to start telling people right away because he fears that Olivia might find out, and he believes that he owes her the dignity of telling her himself. As such, he proceeds to visit her at her home to announce the news, telling her that he's very happy which she says is all she's ever wanted. Obviously, she still loves him, and he requests that she stop; unfortunately, Olivia doesn't know how. Meanwhile, Marisol learns from Ida that Eddie used to support himself by selling drugs along side his friend Brad Valera at the swanky parties they'd work as waiters for Beverly Cuisine catering, and Flora met some of their clients. Marisol, trying to get over her disgust that Eddie would sell drugs, proceeds to convince Taylor to throw a dinner party to announce her pregnancy properly, then prompting her to hire Beverly Cusine to cater the party so that she can talk to Brad and find out who the father of Flora's baby was.
The Stappords' dinner party commences and Genevieve arrives along with Philippe, as well as Remi and Valentina so as to make the event a family outing. Taylor is annoyed by the extra guests but Marisol calms her nerves and works the door, going on to meet Eddie's drug dealing partner Brad. While Michael announces Taylor's pregnancy, Marisol approaches Brad to ask him questions about Flora. He ends up revealing that, at a party, Flora was all over this rich client of theirs as soon as Eddie's back was turned. He doesn't know the client's name, but he's able to point him out as one of the dinner party guests: Remi Delatour. According to Brad, he liked coke and could afford a lot of it. He's the father of Flora Hernandez's child, and Marisol is utterly shocked by this. However, this news is soon overtaken by another shock as Marisol then spots Olivia hanging by the neck from a tree in the Stappords' garden, in full view of the window. She came there to kill herself after Michael spoke with her, and Marisol proceeds to alert her employers. Remi is the one to grab the knife to cut her down and, as Marisol stares at him with the knife, now seeing that he could be the killer, Taylor watches sadly as Michael cries, heartbroken, over his unconscious ex-wife, begging her not to leave him.
Nimue meets with Merlin, who tries one last time to stop her from sacrificing herself. Saying that he fears his presence endangers her agreement with King Uther, he offers to sate Uther's thirst for revenge by offering himself up, telling her that he can send word back if he senses betrayal in Uther. She is reluctant of the idea, saying that they haven't had any time together as father and daughter, but he tells her to never wish for more time, that the gods might hear and grant the wish. She realizes that she can't sway him, just as he could never sway her, and they are alike.
Later, Dr. Melendez and Jessica have dinner with her father. In a tense situation, Melendez criticizes Mr. Preston as living off his father's money instead of contributing to society. When Preston offers to pay for their wedding so Jessica can quit her job and start a family, an angry Melendez calls him a "parasite." The next day, Melendez apologizes to Jessica for his remarks and learns that she doesn't want to have children.
During this time, Stewy and Ken decide to do more cocaine, and Stewy says Ken has to tell his father of the takeover. He reluctantly agrees. Ken meets with Logan Roy in his private rooms to inform him of the takeover of Waystar Royco. His father asks if this is a bear hug, and Ken confirms it is. Furious Logan kicks him out. Marcia Roy comes in as Logan is fishing out the papers he threw in the toilet. He demands to get everyone on the phone, including Karl and Gerri.
The reception finally starts, and everyone except Ken is at the front of the room with the bride and groom. All of The Roys give a nice speech to them, including their mother and father. Before long, Logan very subtly had all his children gathered in one room, and informed of Ken's decision for the takeover of their family company. All four siblings are very mad at their brother, and after a couple of minutes, Logan walks in. He confirms everything is true, then informs them of his battle plan.
Ken is looking for cocaine still, and runs into Andrew Dodds, the kid his father fired earlier. They both smoke and it doesn't take Ken long to ask him for cocaine. After Andrew does a line of ketamine he says he can't drive, so Ken does. On the drive Ken talks about how rich his family is, and the kid jokes if he should kidnap him. Before crossing a bridge, a deer is in the road and Ken swerves them off into the water. The car immediately sinks but Ken is able to make it out. He makes multiple attempts to save the kid before giving up. He begins the long walk home. Once back to his room, Ken realizes he has lost his key, so breaks in. He showers off and changes only to return to the party, as if nothing's happened. He makes sure to make appearances with everyone.
The next morning at breakfast, Ken is called into his father's library. Logan makes a mock display of asking if anything was stolen as his key card was found on the fired employee. Logan has everyone leave the room and he informed his son he knows what happened with Andrew. He promises to cover up everything for him, but he has to tell Sandy Furness and Stewy he's out. Ken cries in his father's arms, but obliges.
Stef and Lena were in their bedroom getting ready for bed, when Stef was staring at her scar from the shooting. Lena said it was a constant reminder. Stef's parents were talking in her Frank's house. They were talking about Lena's father being the officiant of the wedding. Stef's mother, Sharon, was making sure that Stef's father was going to be going to the wedding. The scene cuts to Lexi and Jesus hanging out in Jesus's room talking about sex, but Lexi quickly left when Jesus didn't want todo it. The family's lawyer was over talking to Callie, Stef, and Lena, about the court date. He was telling them that given Callie's track record, they wouldn't hold up in court. He said that if she changed her story and said it was consensual, instead of him forcing himself on her, he could go to jail. Stef and Mike were setting up tables for the wedding, when Mike said Ana told the police that her boyfriend
dropdropped the gun and was then shot. Stef told Mike that she said she was unconscious, but that she actually saw what happened. Mike told Stef that she couldn't change her statement because she would definitely lose her jobs and she had the family to think about. Callie and Brandon were talking, and Callie told him that the jury wouldn't believe her, so she has to change her story. She started yelling at him, telling him it isn't fair that she has to lie to get the jury to believe her. Lena's parents, her father played by 7th Heaven actor Stephen Collins, came to the house, as well as Sharon. They all discussed the wedding vows, with Stef saying she didn't want to do vows, but Lena gave a look that she really wanted to. Sharon and Lena's mom said they wanted to take some of the work of planning the wedding, like flowers and decorations. Mariana and Callie were lying in their room, and Mariana tried to comfort Callie, saying that one lie turns into another, but whatever she decides to do, the family is there for
loves Lena more than anything. She realized that it isn't her voice having the doubt, but her father's, and said she does not want him at the wedding if he cannot be 100 percent behind their wedding. Stef returned home and her mother was waiting for her. She apologized to Stef, saying she is not the daughter she dreamed of; she is better. Stef went upstairs to apologize to Lena, saying of course she wants to marry her. Lena immediately forgave her. 781b155fdc