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The amount of information respondents received about the BSG varied. For some, the information they received was limited to their eligibility for the respective child to help with specific costs associated with having a new baby or the child starting nursery or school. In some cases, this led to recipients having to submit multiple applications in a short space of time as they had been unaware that multiple BSG payments were available for children at different ages. However, other respondents received fuller information regarding all three BSG payments, the ages of children for which they were available and eligibility criteria.
A number of parents and carers said that the BSG allowed their children to become involved in choosing items that were to be purchased through the grant. Being involved in choosing new shoes, school bags or toys was thought to create a sense of excitement in the children. Picking out items for the first day of school was also seen as an important rite of passage and an opportunity to create familial memories.
Respondents reported that a key part of promoting the BSG would be to communicate clearly the grant eligibility criteria. There were respondents who assumed they would not be eligible for the grant because they or their partner were in employment, whereas others were reluctant to apply lest it may impact on their eligibility for other benefits. While it was said that there is clear information regarding eligibility criteria for the BSG online, respondents also argued that this should also be addressed when promoting the grant. 59ce067264